The answer is in Dr Irving Janis's book, Victims of Groupthink. It's the "when in a hole, keep digging for good teamwork morale"-hoax, which was behind the eugenics holocaust, the Vietnam war failure, the Challenger shuttle explosion. The brittleness of rubber O-rings on the boosters had been witnessed to cause fuel leaks on previous launches, but in the interests of teamwork the lowly engineer who exposed the problem prior to the explosion was silenced until after the disaster, so they could still launch in freezing cold weather and not wait till summer. All big bureaucracies and corporations go this way in the end. We live in a world of accountable individuals vs. unaccountable big brother teams.

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Absolutely ... but many journalists end up walking out on jobs because they uncover something which is bad ... sometimes, it's how reputations are built!

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Not if they are making a killing out of the licence fee payers! In 2021-2, the annual BBC income was £5.33 billion (71% from licence fees, 29% from merchandise rights, overseas royalties, etc.). They are drowning in cash, so can pay excessive salaries to retain "talent". Sir Jimmy Saville left £3.3 million estate. Rolf Harris's estate was £15 million. These people could afford the best lawyers money could buy. Their colleagues, on similar salaries, don't want to upset apple carts or become regarded as outsiders, so look the other way or even actively defend offenders. When the Saville scandal broke, a whole string of "celebrity" friends of Saville went on TV to proclaim that it was all a lie, because they had never noticed anything! They were too busy looking at their bank statements to investigate complaints.

With all due respect, mainstream journalism today is pure hubris, and the Fourth Estate are up to their eyeballs in corruption. Not just News of the World phone hacking, but they looked the other way for decades on supersymmetry hype lies, cold fusion lies, nuclear fallout radiation LNT lies, Russian tactical neutron bomb development, etc., while pandering endlessly to corrupt, overpaid celebrity culture. Boris the pseudo-journalist and pseudo-leader now has a Daily Mail column (I won't be buying that paper until he's gone). Political and science liars are promoted by the mainstream media, financed by the mainstream media, and defended by the mainstream media, which doesn't understand that Joe Public loves a clown for entertainment, not for accurate information!

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