As Russell is branded a pest-in-plain-site, we look at the icon of perversion standing over the doors to UK’s broadcast ‘pride’
Is the BBC the most convoluted and ‘secretive’ news organisation in Britain today?
Simple equation … the media investigated – totally legally – claims over yet another celeb acting in a questionable way.
And then did the legitimate, legal thing; Published.
The BBC however - Britain’s supposedly premier news vendor – appears to have ignored the latest scandal, involving so-called comedian and celebrity conspiracy theorist, Russel Brand for years.
The allegations against him were made in a joint investigation by the Sunday Times, the Times and Channel 4's Dispatches.
Only then did the BBC appear to launch their own investigation after the actor was accused of rape and sexual assault.
The thing is, within the real world of media, if a top news organisation gets wind that a competitor has a story – particular about one of their own – then they publish a ‘spoiler’. Muddy the waters, so to speak.
Take the sting out of the tale…
But allegations about so many from Savile (I hunted him along with It’s a Knockout laughing hyena Stuart Hall and grotesque MP Cyril Smith for a decade and faced blank walls from Aunty Beeb) to Steptoe stalwart Wilfred Bramble…
These complaints were among 152 historic allegations of sexual abuse against 81 BBC employees and freelancers, including 48 about Savile.
The list is shocking – Rolf Harris, Huw Edwards, Peter Rowell, Mark Page, Tony and Julie Wadsworth, presenter and church minister Ben Thomas…
Funnily enough though, the organisation was particularly upset when, in January 2022, Eric Gill’s sculpture Prospero and Ariel was attacked by protesters as a “paedophile” artwork.
Eric Gill wrote about abusing his daughters, interfering with his dog and having sex with at least one of his sisters. Prospero and Ariel shows a tall, robed Prospero with his arms enfolding a small, naked boy, Ariel.
The BBC decided to preserve the statue. Good for the ‘luvvy’ argument over protecting difficult works of art … but surely the BBC needs to take a PR-view on its burgeoning reputation over secret relationships rolling like thunder under their cover-ups.
Don’t forget perverts like Gary Glitter have, quite rightly, been removed from the BBC play lists… so why leave pervert Eric as a horrific greeting to the world?
As democracy is peeled away from us Brits like dying flesh, we should celebrate, defend and extol the virtues of freedom - freedom of speech, freedom to investigate, freedom to ask questions, freedom to publish.
Believe me, the laws regulating news publishing in the UK make it feel like you are reporting from a gulag in Putin’s wasteland.
But the truth will ultimately come out.
Allegations lead to investigation, quite rightly.
It is our right to KNOW what’s going on, that there is PUBLIC examination of allegations, that the mark is IDENTIFIED for public safety and to throw open the chances of further evidence to be revealed – evidence positive or negative.
Surely, it is the BBC’s job to take cases like this seriously and share publicly any information they have. THAT IS WHAT NEWS IS ABOUT – EXPOSE AND TELL THE TRUTH.
And get rid of a statue that pushes a pervert in your face every time you enter the hallowed halls of the BBC’s broadcasting legendary building.
#bbc #russellbrand #ericgill #savile #stuarthal