Why is news giant rolling like thunder under the cover-ups?
Why is news giant rolling like thunder under the cover-ups?
I am saddened and angered by the new attacks on the popular British media… these attacks are a defence of the not-so-popular BBC, which may just be the most convoluted and ‘secretive’ news organisation in Britain today.
Simple equation … the media investigated – totally legally – claims over yet another BBC celeb acting in a questionable way.
And then did the legitimate, legal thing; Published.
The BBC however - Britain’s supposedly premier news vendor - kept it all secret, put up smoke screens, waited, procrastinated… waited … and when the story broke, got very upset.
The organisation was also very upset when, in January 2022, Eric Gill’s sculpture Prospero and Ariel was attacked by protesters as a “paedophile” artwork.
Eric Gill wrote about abusing his daughters, interfering with his dog and having sex with at least one of his sisters. Prospero and Ariel shows a tall, robed Prospero with his arms enfolding a small, naked boy, Ariel.
The BBC decided to preserve the statue. Good for the ‘luvvy’ argument over protecting difficult works of art … but surely the BBC needs to take a PR-view on its burgeoning reputation over secret relationships rolling like thunder under their cover-ups.
As democracy is peeled away from us Brits like dying flesh, we should celebrate, defend and extol the virtues of freedom - freedom of speech, freedom to investigate, freedom to ask questions, freedom to publish.
Believe me, the laws regulating news publishing in the UK make it feel like you are reporting from a gulag in Putin’s wasteland.
However, the Sun was pretty quick – yep, some clarification here over when they actually knew – to publish the updates on their original story after correspondence from London lawyers.
By then the BBC were saying, guardedly, that the parents were at fault.
Truly outrageous.
But the truth will ultimately come out; for instance breaking lockdown? Loveheart emojis to a schoolie?
See! Allegations lead to investigation, quite rightly.
These things need looking into, but the BBC couldn’t be bothered for weeks and weeks. It is our right to KNOW what’s going, that there is PUBLIC examination of allegations, that the mark is IDENTIFIED (Nicky Campbell and Jeremy Vine agree!) for public safety and to throw open the chances of further evidence to be revealed – evidence positive or negative.
Surely, it is the BBC’s job to take cases like this seriously and share publicly any information they have. THAT IS WHAT NEWS IS ABOUT – EXPOSE AND TELL THE TRUTH