Bada karma, Bada Bing, Bada boom, bada news ... they are winning, people think I am mada than bada... NO! This really is a true story
NEW UPDATES - The war is working against me, everybody is starting to believe I've gone round the bend ... ALL UPDATES BELOW!
Update on the story I may never be able to tell you
Society’s good fellas use their dull knives of lies to play ‘split the kipper’ with my life.
Yep, it has happened again … they are gathering at my back door. The lights of the road don’t reach there.
I am going to have to fight them again, aren’t I.
I beat them off last time, but I had to go into hiding afterwards.
Below is everything I can tell you about what is going on… it is something I need to share with you without being muzzled by fear … this a terrifying story about money, power, abuse, loss, cynicism, corruption, secrets and lies.
But I can’t tell you anything about it.
All I can tell you is that soon there will be blood. And it won’t only be mine.
And they WILL NOT destroy me and my family.
It’s a story of crime and flabby gangsters, conmen and shysters, all the worse for the smiles on their bloated shavers-rash faces and their tea-breath fibs.
That’s them over there, though I dare not share their names.
But beware, they are all around you. They hide in everybody’s plain view.
Look out your window now!
Others are keeping on going in dump trucks, in 4x4s and on horseback.
Yep, on horseback. Working class hooray Henry and Henriettas clopping down the lanes on their proud posing mares…
That could give even a casual reader a clue. Sounds like it might be a rural tale, about not-so everyday country folk!
I can’t risk it…
So, for transparency and fairness (and security and safety), this kind of gangsterism goes on in cities and towns too, and in any corporate thrashing ground. So, I could be keeping this secret about anywhere…
After all, I’ve lived all around the world, boys.
No, I can’t pin it down for you to anything more than ‘somewhere around the world boys’ … yeh, crime that happens whether you are watching the glister in Vienna at night, or ruminating in a beautiful morning of elephant’s eyes.
But my silence isn’t fair to you is it.
And it’s not fair on me, the whistleblower who’s had his whistle blown and now is afraid to tell his story. I only set out to right a wrong, which could even have been a mistake.
At first.
But then the bullies started lying about me to everybody and dropping simulated pearls in a few diamond encrusted shell-likes.
Truth is, between the bullies and the shell-likes, they shook me and my family up – then shut us down.
And they left me in fear of just how far they might go to get their own way.
Seriously, I can’t tell you what part of the world this is happening in, little tin-pot thieves aspiring to be pillars of society.
They are the real good fellas.
So, back to the window while nobody is looking in and I can’t see any listening van outside either.
Let’s look at the facts – It would be psychologically, emotionally and financially dangerous for me to share this story with you now…
But I can’t tell you what happened, when, where and who these people are who believe they are entitled to crush the lives of the little man under the wheels of pan-global progress.
Who are they? I know, I have their names … but I can’t expose them, they are simply too powerful, dishonest, self-serving and stick their silver tongues down just too many shell-likes. I’ve got all the answers you know, documents, emails, recordings, letters from government officials and Ministers, and billidos containing personal insults lies and threats …
And it is this very dossier that brought about this very real danger.
Well, that and the fact I took it to the police.
Yep, that scared those blingy gangsters out of their pretend Bada Bing club.
It scared ‘em, for sure.
But only for a bit.
Then a few more pearls appear to have been dropped into other shell-likes, many under pointy hats topping off blue suits.
The police station door clanged in my face.
I’d reached my metaphorical cell-by date.
But, the way out of it all was simple for me. The didn’t tie me to a chair or anything – or hang me upside down from a meat hook – just kept offering me an escape route …
Masonic marauders in cummerbunds and lacy Hush Puppies, kept telling me all I had to do was keep my mouth shut.
Stay schtum; Avoid telling the truth.
Not stand up for the rights of myself and others.
Losing my home and my family was the ultimate price they would expect me to pay if I ever wanted to be counted again.
By then though it’d gone to far – I was outed by the powerful ones as an obsessive and a weirdo, a dope-smoking, hard drinking ex-Fleet Street journalist, a seeker of truth not to be trusted.
I’d gone to a member of parliament (they have them all over the world you know).
And then the battle got elevated to Parliament itself.
The word was out and the Bill I was championing was filibustered into a blank stone.
A nameless headstone for a nameless man who went down fighting but would soon be forgotten.
As far as the good fellas were concerned though, they just saw me as a bit of a nameless cult!
Although I can never explain to you why every one of them – from detractors, horse-faced neigh-sayers, buzzing negative gnats, brain-dead bone doctors, to poisonous scoffers – were so determined to bask in the bonfires of my losses.
And yes, because this fraternity of old-fashioned, boozy, gobby, rolled-gold-dripping, deal-making, fat cat tw*ts, operates in every community across the world, people loose so much to them every day.
Often the sanctity of their homes and hopes for the future.
Because of this ‘mafiosa’ – and I use that term with a certain amount of nebulosity – I could be about £100,000 out of pocket.
But I don’t suppose I should have told you even that, should I?
I am genuinely afraid that these so-called people might turn up one day and kick down my gates and set fire to my boundaries to shut me up forever.
Corruption is dishonesty undertaken by somebody with power to acquire illicit benefits for themselves.
Like I say, I have a lot of evidence to show this is what happened.
Yes, I am afraid. Very afraid.
The things I dare not tell you about are like the final nails in the coffin lid of democracy and honesty.
I have been a full-blown working journalist all my adult life and I have exposed cant, pomposity, cruelty and abuse on a daily basis. I worked on exposing Jimmy Savile and his cronies.
Back then though, I had all the backing of legal eagles who were feathering their nests by protecting people like me – journalists – from the criminals and perverts we were on the tail of.
Nowadays, though I’m just that ancient trouble-causer down the road who the bullies wish would simply go away.
Or die.
I’ve got to say I haven’t done either yet – and there will be blood.
#artificialintelligence #media #blood #journalist #robots
Storm clouds are gathering … the town looks like it’s on fire, Genghis’s ghost army is billowing.
Yep, those good ol’ good fellas are getting ready for war… they’re pumping up their ancient smoke and mirror machines.
Stirrup pumps and burning cabinets.
They are the arsonists of truth and security. These good fellas take away your safety, put you in jeopardy and pocket your hard-earned cash and demand that you do not insult them, attack them, expose them or tell the world they are lying cheating vicious, black-hearted conmen and women.
I’ll be ready for them this time though…
I’ll be right here, waiting behind my cabin door. If those bastards want to fight on my doorstep, they’ve got it!
I might only last a few seconds as the punches fly – but I’ll black some eyes, break some noses and ruin some reputations on my way down. I just have to accept that when my head finally hits the concrete and I bleed from my ears, they will turn around and ride their stolen horses away…
You can just hear them can’t you: “That taught the c*nt … that’ll teach ‘em all round here, if you take us on, you are dead!”
They’ll ride their crock horses to malady cross, slug whisky and suck on gay cigars – that’s what these bad boys do in their Bada Bing go-go bar.
Bada bing, bada boom, eh?
Or so they think.
Yeh, I’m watching Genghis’s army gathering… but its head is in the clouds and they forget I am a farmer in the city…
Storm clouds are gathering … the town looks like it’s on fire, Genghis’s ghost army is billowing.
Yep, those good ol’ good fellas are getting ready for war… they’re pumping up their ancient smoke and mirror machines.
Stirrup pumps and burning cabinets.
They are the arsonists of truth and security. These good fellas take away your safety, put you in jeopardy and pocket your hard-earned cash and demand that you do not insult them, attack them, expose them or tell the world they are lying cheating vicious, black-hearted conmen and women.
I’ll be ready for them this time though…
I’ll be right here, waiting behind my cabin door. If those bastards want to fight on my doorstep, they’ve got it!
I might only last a few seconds as the punches fly – but I’ll black some eyes, break some noses and ruin some reputations on my way down. I just have to accept that when my head finally hits the concrete and I bleed from my ears, they will turn around and ride their stolen horses away…
You can just hear them can’t you: “That taught the c*nt … that’ll teach ‘em all round here, if you take us on, you are dead!”
They’ll ride their crock horses to malady cross, slug whisky and suck on gay cigars – that’s what these bad boys do in their Bada Bing go-go bar.
Bada bing, bada boom, eh?
Or so they think.
Yeh, I’m watching Genghis’s army gathering… but its head is in the clouds and they forget I am a farmer in the city
#artificialintelligence #media #blood #journalist #robots
Great trailer for the story. The sad thing is that there's a huge amount of corruption at the top. The recent NatWest saga and BBC Jim'll Fix It aka Panorama News investigation round-turn is proof of that.
The main issue as you say is the law in a "democracy", something invented for the rich and powerful to oppress the poor. If you speed or take drugs and are rich, you can hire Mr Loophole or some criminal law barrister to cast doubt on the evidence. Your speedo may have been miscalibrated by a speed bump you went over too fast (or whatever), or someone must have laced your pie with coke without your knowledge. Of course you can't plead ignorance of the millions of laws which you must follow, but you can plead ignorance that you knowingly broke them. There are so many laws nobody can know them all, this being so for good legal business, as Dickens said: "The one great principle of the English law is to make business for itself. There is no other principle distinctly, certainly, and consistently maintained through all its narrow turnings."